Travel Discus Launch Glider
A discus launch glider designed for a life of new vistas, night flights, precarious landings, and a feeling of companionship.
D launching a modified Super Mini Topsky DLG at Sail Bay, San Diego
Dylan has been working on a fully customized collapsible DLG product including custom wing design & molds, custom miniaturized radio transmitter and receiver, and a charging system never before seen on the DLG market.
Modifying a number of off-the-shelf DLGs, and traveling with them in carryon bags as far as Costa Rica, Dylan has settled on a product specification and has since been working on wing design, electronics design, and the product travel packaging.
Assembling the modified topsky in a Costa Rican bungalow
Dylan has learned from experiences such as destroying a glider on the beach in Costa Rica due to a dead battery, having his glider assembly tape confiscated by a security officer before an international flight, and numerous interactions with curious TSA officers. His product will address these potential issues and more.
Dylan has kept this project on the back burner and is planning to introduce the TDLG (travel discus launch glider, or “travel glider” for short) in 2020.